Ultimate Performers

Our CSR Project

Giving back to the society

We are just tenants in this wonderful world and each of us has to pay rent for our stay here. For us, we value education and personal development. Education is the tool that can solve all the problems the world is currently facing.

Every year, several primary and secondary schools are invited to work together with us on these projects. We will provide free training and workshops to the students.

Among the workshops that we conduct in our CSR programmes are:


Academic Success SeriesPositive Personal Development Series

·       Memory Skills of ‘A’ Students

·       Essential Study Tips For Students

·       The 3 Learning Styles

·       Speed Reading for Students

·       Emotional Control for Teens

·       Belief-The Foundation for Success

·       Creating Goals that Excite and Ignite Passion

·       Gratitude-The Science Behind Positive Psychology

The list is growing as our group of trainers are constantly developing new programmes that will bring greater values to teens.

We work closely with Ultimate Training Sdn Bhd, our sister company that focuses on developing the human potential in corporations. Our trainers are experienced corporate trainers certified under the Human Resources Development Fund, Malaysia (HRDF). Our trainers are experts in the fields of human potential developments and are highly sought after corporate trainers.

Schools that have benefited from this programme are:


Primary Schools:


Secondary Schools:

If your school wishes to benefit from our CSR programmes, please drop us a message in the link below.

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Ultimate Performers

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Ultimate Performers Tuition

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Ultimate Training